Violinist - Assessment Findings
Follow-up from the Violinist players assessment video.
Objective Findings:
💠 Positive shoulder sign bilaterally.
💠 Positive crank and grind test bilaterally.
💠 Small joint OA.
💠 de Quervain’s Stenosing Tenosynovitis.
💠 Negative phalanxes Test bilaterally
💠Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.
💠Dystonia in the little finger
💠 Increased upper Trapezius tension and atrophy of left upper Trapezius muscle.

This case demonstrates a multitude of problems that have arisen from years of playing the violin. I referred her to a colleague for spinal correction and alignment.
Treatment has included the following:
💠 CMCI OA orthoses
💠 Elbow extension splint for use at night
💠 Sensory program for Dystonia.
💠 kinesiology taping of upper Traps
💠Postural re- education.
💠 Full body exercise program.
💠 Play- rest schedule
💠 Practice schedule adjustment.